How to Remove Baby Poop Stains from Clothing


Diaper changing can be a challenge, but we have finally gone through that. Another obstacle is there to face, unwanted baby poop explosions causing some poop stains here and there. If you’re dealing with too much baby poop, then we are here to help. We will be discussing the tips and tricks together with the most effective procedure that you can do to remove baby poop stains effectively. Read on!

Step by Step

Poop stain sets quickly and can be very difficult to remove, that’s why you need to work on it immediately. Here’s the step by step procedure on removing baby poop stains:

1st Step

Immediately rinse off poop stains on clothes and other fabrics used by your babies. It is suggested that you rinse it with cold running water. If away from your house or in places where there is no water available, you may use cleaning wipes, make sure that you are using wipes that are safe for your baby. Always stash a pack of cleaning wipes inside your baby backpack, you’ll never know when you need them. Don’t forget to throw excess poop into the toilet, exclusively breastfed babies will not pose much of a problem since their poop are soluble, just make sure to rinse off as soon as possible.

2nd Step

Soaking is the next and also crucial step when it comes to cleaning and effectively removing poop stains. Once you have removed the poop from the garment, you can now treat or soak the soiled clothing using dishwashing soap, regular soap, or stain-removing agents. There are two ways to soak and treat, you may specifically treat only the stained area, or you may soak the whole garment as a whole. Treating only the stained area will work best if the poop stain is small and is isolated in a specific part of the garment only. Soaking will be recommended if the poop-stained area is large or is scattered in different parts of the garment.

3rd Step

Scrub-a-dub time! Scrubbing is needed if the stains are a bit stubborn, this happens if there have been too many spills or it took long before you were able to clean the clothing. Use a sturdy but delicate brush when scrubbing off the stain. You may use your hands, but we would not recommend that.

4th Step

The next step is to wash the soiled garment or clothing as you normally would. You may throw them in an automatic washer or you could just handwash them. Remember to use detergents that are safe for baby’s clothes. If you are not able to wash right away, you can place them inside the laundry basket or diaper pail, but make sure that there are little to no stains already.

5th Step

The final step is to dry your washed fabrics and clothing finally. Some people would put them in the dryer, but we suggest drying them out in the sun. Sunlight is very effective in brightening clothes, especially white ones, and they greatly help in removing stains too. Another benefit of drying out in the sun is its sterilization properties, and it is cheap too!

General tips and tricks

  • Never let poop stains stay untouched for a long time, this will make the stain even harder to remove. Always remember to throw and get rid of the solids immediately, and rinse and wash when you can.
  • Do not forget to treat or use a stain removing solution directly on the stain before washing. This will initially remove the stain before you normally wash the clothes and garments. Make sure to follow the given instructions for effective removal of poop stains.
  • If you don’t have stain removing solutions or powder, you may use household items such as lemon juice or vinegar to remove stains. You can directly rub in some lemon juice onto the stains and let it sit for a while. When using vinegar, dilute it with water to make a vinegar stain removing solution.
  • If you opt to use brushes when scrubbing off some stubborn stain, always use those with soft but sturdy bristles. Avoid brushes that are too hard as it will damage the fabric.
  • When rinsing, avoid using warm water as it will set the stain. Remember to rinse the stain with running water from the opposite side of the garments as to avoid pushing the stain deeper into the fabric.
  • Poop stain removal is also similar to removing stains from milk, you need to pre-treat the stained area, wash as you normally would, then dry the washed and clean clothes.
  • Check the label on your baby’s clothes, some clothes might need some delicate washing and special care. You would not want to ruin a cute onesie wouldn’t you?
  • Always remember to check if the stain is completely gone, never dry an item of stained clothing or any fabric out in the sun as the sunlight or the heat will set the stain making it a lot more difficult to remove.

Final Thoughts

Motherhood can be very messy, but it sure is very fulfilling at the same time, and surely no amount of stain will ever make us give up! Before you go and say goodbye to those poop stains and milk stains, here is a quick summary on how to effectively remove stubborn stains from baby clothing and fabrics. First is to remove and rinse, next is to treat and soak, scrubbing comes after, follow it up with washing the clothes like you normally would, check for any stubborn stains left, and finally dry it out in the sun.

No stain is too stubborn for a momma who wants nothing but the best and the cleanest for her newborn.