Chelated Magnesium


Magnesium is a naturally occurring mineral and plays a good and important role in the human body systems such as the muscular and the nervous system. This mineral also plays an essential part in most metabolic reactions. Generally, you need magnesium to produce energy, synthesize DNA, and keep your bones, nerves, muscles healthy and functional.

Magnesium can be easily obtained through certain foods; however, if you need to boost your magnesium intake, you can acquire them through supplements. If you are deficient in magnesium, you usually have headaches, muscle spasms and weakness, and even poor cardiovascular health. But there is no need to worry because, with the right supplements, you will surely achieve optimal magnesium levels in your body. This article will be mainly about chelated magnesium, which is considered easily absorbed and utilized by the body.

What is magnesium chelate?

Magnesium chelate or chelated magnesium is a form of magnesium supplement easily absorbed by the body and offers superior bioavailability. This form of magnesium supplement is also known to be more stable, resulting in better absorption and utilization by the human body. Chelated means that the magnesium in the supplement is already attached to an amino acid carrier, making it easier to be absorbed by the body. When taking magnesium chelate, remember to avoid antacids since they can make it more difficult for your system to absorb chelated magnesium.

Magnesium supplements are considered safe for most people, and once your body has reached maximum or adequate levels, the excess will be removed through the urine. The other magnesium chelate or chelated magnesium includes magnesium lysinate, magnesium orotate, and magnesium taurate.

What are the benefits of magnesium supplements?

Magnesium is proven to be vital in most functions of the human body, and we must get adequate magnesium levels to be able to achieve optimum health and functionality. Here are the benefits of magnesium supplements that you will surely appreciate.

Better metabolic reactions in the body

Since magnesium is a naturally-occurring mineral, it is commonly present within the human body and is given roles and tasks for better bodily functions. If you get to achieve healthy magnesium levels, the metabolic reactions in your body will become better and a lot smoother. One of magnesium’s roles in the human body is functioning as a cofactor or helping molecule in the biochemical or metabolic reactions in the body. These reactions include energy production, gene maintenance, muscle movement, protein formation, and healthy regulation of the nervous system.

Boost your physical activity and bone health

Healthy levels of magnesium are also critical when it comes to bone health. Studies have proven that adequate magnesium intake has resulted to better bone density and a lower risk of osteoporosis. Additionally, magnesium can also help in the improvement of your exercise and other physical activities. Magnesium also functions in enhancing physical activity by effectively transporting sugar into your muscles and eventually getting rid of lactate to avoid too much tiredness or fatigue.

Anti-inflammatory benefits

Magnesium deficiency is often linked to chronic inflammation and often results to higher CPR levels which and inflammatory marker. To effectively reduce CRP, healthy magnesium levels should be maintained to avoid inflammation, especially in adults who are overweight, have diabetes, and other underlying conditions. There have been studies to prove that magnesium is effective against inflammation.

Regulating blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health

As mentioned above, the human body needs to have a healthy magnesium level to maintain optimum muscle health, including the heart. Research has proven that magnesium also plays an essential role in heart health and overall cardiovascular health. Magnesium deficiency has been known to increase an individual’s risk of cardiovascular diseases. Additionally, it has been recorded that people who receive magnesium soon after a heart attack have a lower risk of mortality. Magnesium also plays a role in the regulation of blood pressure and the prevention of hypertension. Studies have shown that regularly taking magnesium supplements can effectively lower blood pressure.

Prevention of migraines

Migraines have now become a common problem even for the younger generation. Suffering from headaches and the pain of migraines can be tiring and stressful, but you can now easily break free from that pain with adequate magnesium levels. Magnesium therapy has been proven to prevent and relieve headaches. This is because magnesium deficiency can significantly affect neurotransmitters and restrict blood vessel constriction, and these are factors linked to migraines. People who frequently experience migraines may have lower magnesium levels compared to those who don’t.

Reduce anxiety and improve relaxation

Magnesium levels also play a role in the regulation of anxiety and depression. However, there is still not much study done regarding the direct relationship between magnesium and stress. But, magnesium can contribute to achieving by helping the person achieve better sleep and a well-rested state when it comes to relaxation.

Generally safe and widely available

There are not many side effects declared when it comes to taking magnesium supplements. That is why they are proven to be safe. They are also widely available and can come in different forms, and you can also acquire magnesium from food and supplements. Its availability and accessibility make it easier for everyone to achieve healthy magnesium levels.

Magnesium chelate and sleep

Magnesium has been proven to contribute to being able to achieve relaxation, therefore improving sleep. Lack of sleep or insomnia is a typical result of magnesium deficiency, and people who lack magnesium often experience interrupted sleep or frequently waking during the night. Since the body quickly absorbs magnesium chelate, it can be very effective in improving sleep. Maintaining healthy levels of magnesium in the body can contribute to deeper, better, and well-rested sleep.

The mineral magnesium can effectively improve and support better restorative sleep by maintaining healthy GABA levels in our system; GABA is an essential neurotransmitter that promotes resting and sleep. Numerous research and studies have proven that magnesium supplements can effectively improve the quality of sleep. Moreover, maintaining healthy levels of magnesium can also help people with insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Chelated magnesium vs magnesium citrate

Both chelated magnesium and magnesium citrate are popular forms of magnesium supplement; they differ a bit when it comes to composition. Chelated magnesium is typically attached to an amino acid carrier, while the magnesium citrate is combined with citric acid. The chelated version of magnesium is the most easily absorbed form and comes with high bioavailability. On the other hand, the citrate version has a laxative effect and is commonly used by people who have trouble in nutrient and mineral absorption because of constipation; both forms are known to be very effective.

Final thoughts on chelated magnesium

Magnesium is an essential macronutrient, and maintaining its healthy levels is crucial for optimum health and good body functions. You must be able to acquire adequate magnesium levels through a healthy and proper diet combined with good supplements as well.