Goat Milk Baby Formula


Many parents, including experts, consider goat’s milk a naturally smarter choice, and there are tons of reasons why. Goat’s milk is a rich source of nutrients and is uniquely different from cow’s milk. This type of milk is very much known to have high levels of vital vitamins and minerals and other various useful substances naturally present in goat’s milk, such as prebiotics. All this natural goodness and awesome benefits are what make goat’s milk as a good baby formula.

Generally, goat milk formula is a good option for babies who can not tolerate cow’s milk formula very well. It is true that when choosing a baby formula, there are a lot of factors to consider and some things to keep in mind. You have to consider the nutrients that are in your chosen formula and possible reactions towards the formula. If your child has had a couple of adverse reactions towards cow’s milk and other common types of formula milk, you might want to consider trying goat milk formula. This article will contain all the crucial information that you may need to know about goat milk. So, if you want to make the switch or primarily plans on giving your little one some goat milk, then you have come to the right page.

Goat’s milk – All you need to know

Goat’s milk is one of the most common types or sources of formula milk and is frequently compared to cow’s milk. Cow’s milk and goat’s milk tend to have some similarities; however, there are key differences to tell them apart. Goat’s milk generally has a different set of minerals and vitamins in comparison to cow’s milk. When it comes to the composition and makeup of goat’s milk, babies’ stomachs are a lot easier to digest because it is lesser in lactose composition and contains a different type of fat or carbohydrate. Goat’s milk is also known to be free from added hormones. The lack of genetic modification in goats also means that goat’s milk is all-natural.

What to look for in a goat milk baby formula

The Food and Drug Administration regulates the production of goat milk baby formula in the United States, so those that reached the market can meet certain nutritional and safety standards. Those produced in Europe are also being required to meet the criteria provided by the European Commission, which is believed to be a lot stricter than the FDA.

If you are planning on switching from one type of formula to another, you must discuss your baby’s needs with your pediatrician. They will be able to give you insights with regards to your baby’s digestive issues and their possible nutritional needs. Before picking a goat milk baby formula, make sure that it is curated to meet the dietary needs of babies who are under twelve months of age.

Here are more specific details on what you should be looking for in goat’s milk baby formula:

  • Organic and non-GMO goat milk are better.
  • A goat milk baby formula that is comparable to breast milk with the whey to casein ratio is preferred to avoid digestion issues, constipation, colic, and stomach ache in babies.
  • Goat milk baby formula should be added with a good amount of carbohydrate to babies’ nutritional needs.
  • Choose goat milk baby formulas that are not added with synthetic and unnecessary ingredients.
  • Added DHA/ARA and prebiotics will also be great for your child’s growth and development. Additionally, the right amount of fatty acids will greatly help.

Benefits of goat milk baby formula

Easy to digest

Goat milk baby formula has more short or simpler fatty acids, making the milk easier for your little one to digest. Cow’s milk typically has longer fatty acids, so some babies have a hard time digesting them. Having shorter fatty acids does not necessarily mean that goat milk contains less fat; it just means that it is a fairly different kind of fat that is very easy to disgested by your baby’s stomach.

Less allergenic

Cow’s milk is known to contain an allergen which is the alpha-S1 casein, but this allergen is found only in trace amounts when it comes to goat’s milk. That is why goat milk baby formula is not as allergenic as the cow’s milk. However, that does not necessarily mean that goat’s milk is completely allergen-free.

Less lactose content

Goat milk is not completely lactose-free, but it contains less lactose; that is why goat milk baby formula can work well with lactose intolerant babies. Also, if your little one has been suffering from bloating, gas, and other digestive issues, goat milk might work for them.

Great immune booster

Selenium is a great mineral that supports and boosts the immune system, and it is a very good thing that they are present in goat’s milk. That means that if you want to add in some resistant boosting properties in your baby’s milk, then trying out goat milk baby formula will be a very good idea. Babies might need every extra boost they can have, and giving it through goat milk baby formula can be a very good idea.

No added hormones

Goats are never or rarely given hormones, which means that goat milk baby formulas are free from hormones that might cause digestive issues in children. They are also not subject to genetic modification, which means that if you choose goat’s milk, you are giving your child nutrient-filled milk without any artificial ingredients or hormones being added.


Goat milk baby formula is packed with many essential nutrients for your baby’s growth and development. A serving of goat’s milk is filled with calcium, riboflavin, phosphorus, vitamin B 12, protein, potassium, and more. All of the nutrients and minerals found in goat’s milk can truly help your baby’s healthy growth and development. Goat’s milk can also greatly benefit your baby’s nervous system development.

Good source of calcium

Goat’s milk is known to be very high in calcium, and its levels are provided by tryptophan, the amino acid. This means that goat’s milk can also help your baby feel well-rested and alert after consuming goat milk baby formula. Additionally, goat milk can also help your child build stronger bones for optimal health.

Support metabolism

If your baby has digestive issues or has problems when it comes to absorbing vitamins and minerals, goat milk might be able to help. Goat’s milk is effective when it comes to supporting and boosting your child’s metabolism. Studies have proven that goat’s milk can increase your little one’s ability to metabolize minerals, even those babies with digestive issues.

Environment friendly

It is a fact that it is a lot more environmentally friendly to raise goats than cows. Goats are smaller and, therefore, will need lesser space and food than cows. That is why there is also no need to modify goats for our consumption genetically.

Will not cause inflammation.

Goat’s milk is a lot smoother than cow’s milk, and it will not cause inflammation. If your baby has been experiencing bowel inflammation, goat milk baby formula can be a very good choice. Typically, goat’s milk is being digested easier and will not cause inflammation.

Is goat milk safe?

Choosing your baby’s milk formula or source of nutrition might be based on many factors such as your personal preferences when it comes to health, certain issues and conditions that your baby might have, and the availability of the resources as well. But regardless of those certain factors, safety should always be first.

Goat milk baby formula is generally considered a safe alternative to cow’s milk, but only when they are also appropriate for your child and if you follow the proper timeline to introduce it to your baby.

Goat’s milk-based baby formula is safe from birth to twelve months; however, fresh goat’s milk and any other type of pure milk that is not considered an infant formula should be avoided entirely during the first twelve months as per recommendation by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Pure goat’s milk that is not designated to be consumed by infants should not be given since it will not meet the requirements needed by your babies. Additionally, your baby’s digestive systems are not fully developed yet to digest the large amounts of proteins in animal-derived kinds of milk.

Once your baby turns to become a year old, it will now be safe to give them pure goat’s milk as long as it has been pasteurized to avoid bacteria that can be harmful to infants and young children.

Goat’s milk vs. cow’s milk

When it comes to nutrition, pure goat’s milk tends to have more protein and fat than cow’s milk. Goat’s milk also has significantly more calcium, potassium, and copper content, including other important vitamins and minerals. But some other vitamins and minerals are richer in cow’s milk. So, cow’s milk and goat’s milk can be considered to be fairly even nutrition-wise. Goat’s milk edge is its ability to enhance the body’s absorption of certain nutrients like calcium and iron. Another key difference is the lactose content, which is found to be less in goat’s milk. That is why those babies with cow milk sensitivities may tolerate goat’s milk a lot better.

Final thoughts on goat milk baby formula

Breast milk is indeed the recommended nutrition for your baby; however, they might be reasons why you might need to supplement or just mainly rely completely on infant formula. Commonly, baby formulas utilize cow’s milk as a base; however, different sources, such as goat’s milk, can be readily available nowadays. Whatever choice you might make, it is important to consult your pediatrician with any decision you might make when choosing their baby formula.